This issue occurs whether the files were originally created in Office 2007 or if the files were created in Word 2003 with the Compatibility Pack installed and saved in the 2007 format.
The ActiveX controls work properly if opened in Office 2007.
For Excel, the following warning appears when a file with ActiveX controls is opened in 2003 with the compatibility pack installed.
�This file was created in a newer version of Microsoft Excel. The file has been converted to a format you can work with, but the following issues were encountered. The file has been opened in read-only mode to protect the original file.
- Uninitialized ActiveX controls will not be opened in this version of Excel.�
In PowerPoint, the warning when opening the file is:
�This file was created in a newer version of Microsoft Office PowerPoint. The file has been converted to a format you can work with, but the ActiveX controls have been converted to static objects.�
In Word, there is no warning when the file is opened and the ActiveX controls are changed to images.