The following example runs a procedure from a command button on a form. The
procedure uses an input box to prompt for the folder containing the files that you want to import. Then the code loops through all the files in the folder that you specify and imports them all.
NOTE: The following example imports dBASE version 3.0 files. You select the file type that you want to import by changing the second argument of the TransferDatabase method. If you want to see a list of file types that you can import by using TransferDatabase, create a new macro and insert the TransferDatabase action. Then view the list of file types under the Database Type argument. When you are finished, close the macro without saving it.
Create a new form not based on any table or query in Design view.
Add a command button to the form and set its OnClick property to the
following event procedure:
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim InputDir, ImportFile As String, tblName As String
Dim InputMsg as String
InputMsg = "Type the pathname of the folder that contains "
InputMsg = InputMsg & "the files you want to import."
InputDir = InputBox(InputMsg)
' Change the file extension on the next line for the
' type of file you want to import.
ImportFile = Dir(InputDir & "\*.dbf")
Do While Len(ImportFile) > 0
' Use the import file name without its extension as the table
' name.
tblName = Left(ImportFile, (InStr(1, ImportFile, ".") - 1))
' Change dBase III on the next line to the type of file you
' want to import.
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "dBase III", InputDir, _
acTable, ImportFile, tblName
ImportFile = Dir
End Sub
Open the form in Form view and click the button to begin importing tables.