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Encarta: How to Recover Integrated Yearbook Update Files

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This article was previously published under Q197409

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When you remove and reinstall Encarta 98 Encyclopedia or Encarta Encyclopedia 99, you may not see all of the yearbook update files that you downloaded before you removed the program.

You may also receive one of the following error messages:

Encarta Encyclopedia 99

A file is missing and you may have lost some monthly updates. Encarta now only knows about the first July Yearbook update

Encarta 98 Encyclopedia

A file is missing and you may have lost some monthly updates. Encarta now only knows about the first July Yearbook update included with your CD.
NOTE: When you remove Encarta 98, the program prompts you to remove or keep the yearbook files. If you choose to keep the files, they remain on your hard disk. When you remove Encarta 99, the program leaves the yearbook files on your hard disk by default.

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This behavior can occur because Encarta Encyclopedia is unable to integrate yearbook update files that have already been integrated.

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To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that your integrated yearbook update (.ybk) files are located in the Encarta updates folder on your hard disk.

    By default, Encarta Encyclopedia 99 stores the .ybk files in the following folder:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia 99\Update99
    By default, Encarta 98 Encyclopedia stores the .ybk files in the following folder:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Update98
    For information about copying files in Microsoft Windows, please see your Windows printed documentation or online Help file.
  2. Download a new yearbook update file for your version of Encarta Encyclopedia from the following MSN Web site: When you are prompted to open the file or save the file to disk, save the yearbook update file in the appropriate folder on your hard disk for your version of Encarta Encyclopedia:

    Encarta Encyclopedia 99

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia 99\Update99

    Encarta 98 Encyclopedia

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Reference\Encarta Encyclopedia\Update98
  3. Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files Or Folders.
  4. If you are using Encarta 99, type ybbst99a.dat in the Named box, and then click Find Now.

    If you are using Encarta 99, type ybbst98a.dat in the Named box, and then click Find Now.
  5. In the list of found files, right-click the Ybbst99a.dat or Ybbst98a.dat file, and then click Delete.
  6. Close the Find: Files Named filename window.
  7. Start Encarta Encyclopedia.
  8. If you are using Encarta Encyclopedia 99, click Tools, and then click Downloads.

    If you are using Encarta 98 Encyclopedia, click Online Features, click Yearbook, then click Downloads.
  9. Click Troubleshoot, and then click Integrate.

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More information

When Encarta 98 Encyclopedia searches for files to integrate, it scans the hard disk for files that are not integrated. Because the integration process changes the contents and structure of the file as well as the file name extension, you cannot make Encarta integrate a file that is already integrated by changing the file name extension from .ybk to .eyb.

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Keywords: KB197409, kbprb, kberrmsg

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Article Info
Article ID : 197409
Revision : 4
Created on : 1/23/2007
Published on : 1/23/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 467