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FP: How to Edit/Delete Articles in a FrontPage Discussion Web

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This article was previously published under Q196126

For a Microsoft FrontPage 98 version of this article, see 194106 ( ) .
For a Microsoft FrontPage 97 and earlier version of this article, see 154675 ( ) .

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This article describes how to edit or delete an article (page) submitted to a discussion Web in Microsoft FrontPage.

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More information

CAUTION: To avoid possible damage (corruption) to your discussion Web, please keep the following in mind:
  • It is recommended that you replace unwanted text in each posted thread with Content Removed by Moderator instead of deleting the entire page.
  • Never edit the Tocproto.htm page; this page is generated dynamically by FrontPage, and editing it can permanently damage the discussion Web.
To delete or edit a page in a discussion Web, follow these steps:
  1. Open the discussion Web in FrontPage.For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    240951� FP2000: How to Open a Web Using HTTP
  2. On the Tools menu, click Web Settings, and then click the Advanced tab.
  3. Under Options, click to select the Show documents in hidden directories check box.
  4. Click Apply, click Yes, and then click OK.
  5. On the View menu, click Folders, and then expand the folder that contains the pages in the discussion Web.
  6. Select the article that you want to edit or delete.

    NOTE: Links to the individual articles are represented as links from the Tocproto.htm page when you are in Hyperlink view. The address (URL) of each discussion group article ends with an eight-digit integer. These addresses are created in sequential order.
    • To edit the article, open it and make the changes you want. Save the file without changing the URL.
    • To delete the article, open it and delete all the text in the article, or replace it with a message like Content Removed by Moderator.

      NOTE: Do not delete the article. Doing so can result in orphaned discussion articles.
  7. On the Tools menu, click Recalculate Hyperlinks.
  8. On the View menu, click Refresh.

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Keywords: KB196126, kbhowto

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Article Info
Article ID : 196126
Revision : 4
Created on : 1/23/2007
Published on : 1/23/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 386