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Jet 4.0 replication white papers available in MSDN Online Library

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The following two white papers that discuss replication in Microsoft Jet Database Engine version 4.0 are available in the MSDN Online Library:

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More information

Topics covered in the "Database replication in Microsoft Jet 4.0" white paper are as follows:
What Is Database Replication?
When Should I Use Replication?
Tools That Implement Replication
Conflict Resolution
Preventing Record Deletion in Replicas
Replica Visibility: Global, Local, and Anonymous
New Microsoft Access Project-Storage Format
Microsoft Jet/SQL Server Bidirectional Replication
Partial Replicas
Registry Entries
Structure of a Replicable Database
Design Considerations
For More Information
Topics covered in the "Internet synchronization with the Microsoft Jet Database Engine" white paper are as follows:
Configuring Your Internet/Intranet Server
Configuring Microsoft Replication Manager 4.0
Distributing a Replica Set on the Internet/Intranet
Securing the Internet Server
Tips and Tricks

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Article Info
Article ID : 190766
Revision : 4
Created on : 1/1/0001
Published on : 1/1/0001
Exists online : False
Views : 589