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How To Show Web Page Source from a Hyperlink

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This article was previously published under Q188762

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This article describes how to create a hyperlink on a Web page that shows the source code for the current page or another page when the hyperlink is selected.

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More information

Using an anchor tag with its associated HREF parameter, you can cause a hyperlink to display the source of a Web page when the hyperlink is clicked. To do so, set the value of the HREF parameter equal to "view- source:someFile.htm" where someFile.htm is the name of an HTML file that you want to show using the default editor for HTML source code.

Being able to display the source code of a Web page is valuable to those Internet Content Providers (ICPs) that wish to demonstrate how their pages have been created.

Please note that "view-source" works only on absolute links. Also, if you are trying to access an HTML file through the FILE protocol, you must fully qualify the URL like this:
Some Link
The following HTML code demonstrates how to show the source code for when the hyperlink is pressed.
         <TITLE>Show source code</TITLE>
         <A HREF="view-source:">
            Show source code
NOTE: When you use this protocol a copy of the file is written to the temp directory.

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For more information about developing Web-based solutions for Microsoft Internet Explorer, visit the following Microsoft Web sites:

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Keywords: KB188762, kbieobj, kbhtmlobj, kbhowto, kbdhtml

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Article Info
Article ID : 188762
Revision : 3
Created on : 5/11/2006
Published on : 5/11/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 410