Microsoft recognizes the need for system and network administrators to dump
the headers of transaction log files to text files. We have modified the
Edbutil.exe program so that the /M switch can be used for this purpose.
This supported feature is now available, but has not been fully regression
tested and should be applied only to systems having a specific need for it.
Unless you are severely impacted by the lack of this feature, Microsoft
recommends that you wait for the next Service Pack that contains this
feature. Contact Microsoft Technical Support for more information.
We have also modified the Eseutil.exe program so that the /M switch can be used for this purpose.
This feature is available in the latest service pack for Exchange Server 5.5. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
191014 XGEN: How to Obtain the Latest Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack
This feature was first included in Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 1.
After you obtain this feature, you can use the following command to dump
the header of a transaction log file:
<program> /ml <log_file>
where <program> is Edbutil.exe or Eseutil.exe and <log_file> is the full
path to the log file. You can use the greater-than (>) sign to dump the log
file header to a text file.
For example, to dump the header of the Edb.log file in the Exchsrvr\Mdbdata
folder to a text file using the Exchange Server 5.5 Eseutil.exe program,
use the following command:
eseutil.exe /ml c:\exchsrvr\mdbdata\edb.log > c:\logdump.txt
For additional information about how to use the Edbutil.exe or Eseutil.exe
program, type "edbutil.exe /?" or "eseutil.exe /?" at a command prompt, and
then press ENTER.