If a program does not start because the path to the program file is
incorrect or because you typed a command-line switch within quotation
marks, the following entry is added to the Schedlog.txt file when Task
Scheduler attempts to start the program
"<program name>.job" (<program file name>) <date> <time> ** ERROR **
Unable to start task.
The specific error is:
<error code>: The system cannot find the file specified.
Try using the Task page Browse button to locate the application.
where <program name> is the name of the program (for example, ScanDisk),
and <program file name> is the name of the program's executable file (for
example, Scandskw.exe).
To view the Schedlog.txt file, click View Log on the Advanced menu in Task
For more information about how to use Task Scheduler, click Start, click
Help, click the Index tab, type
task, and then
double-click the "Task Scheduler" topic.