If the VOA is also a Windows NT Domain Administrator, they will also be
able to modify the Microsoft Mail Connector properties. This is because the
Microsoft Mail Connector does not read the permissions set in the Microsoft
Exchange Directory like other Microsoft Exchange Server objects. The Microsoft
Mail Connector stores most of its configuration information in the Windows NT
Registry and in the Microsoft Mail Connector Postoffice.
Upon opening the Microsoft Mail Connector properties, the Windows NT Service
Control Manager (SCM) permissions are checked. If there is administrator
access to the SCM, the Microsoft Mail Connector properties page is opened with
full read-write access. If there is read-only access to the SCM, the Microsoft
Mail Connector is opened in read-only mode and changes to the configuration are
not possible.
Because read-only or read-write access to the Microsoft Mail Connector properties
page is determined by the Windows NT level of access to the SCM, the following
four cases exist. Relevant workarounds are detailed as appropriate and can be
implemented to bring the Microsoft Mail Connector access in line with that of the
Microsoft Exchange Server Site permissions.