Use Microsoft Windows Explorer to create a Windows\Web folder, or
reinstall Internet Explorer to re-create the folder. To reinstall Internet
Explorer, first remove it, and then reinstall it. To remove Internet
Explorer, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
- On the Install/Uninstall tab, click Internet Explorer 4.0 in the list
of installed programs, and then click Add/Remove.
- Click "Uninstall Internet Explorer 4.0 and all its components," and
then click OK.
- Restart your computer when you are prompted to do so.
- In Windows Explorer, delete the Windows\Web folder.
- Reinstall Internet Explorer.
- Create a new Windows\Application data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
folder. For information about creating folders, click Start, click
Help, click the Index tab, type creating,
and then double-click the "creating folders" topic.