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XADM: ISINTEG Prematurely Aborts Processing in Test 22

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When you run ISINTEG with the "-fix" option, ISINTEG prematurely aborts processing in test 22 of 24 when Jet_errReadVerifyFailure is returned within CHKCNT::ECForcedDelAttach.

The screen output will look similar to the following:
   Starting test 22 of 24, 'reference count verification'
   Number of Ref Count processed = 730710, 85% percent complete. Ref check
   on Attachment returned JET_errReadVerifyFailure

   . . . . . SUMMARY . . . . .
   Total number of tests : 24
   Total number of warnings : 74
   Total number of errors : 0
   Total number of fixes : 862
   Total time : 15h:38m:57s

Additionally, ISINTEG will log something similar to the following:
Error: Attachment[0036-00000056A015].RefCt: Failed to delete attachment table row (JET_errReadVerifyFailure) (Failed to decrement reference count on embedded message(ecNotFound-MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)) Ref check on Attachment returned JET_errReadVerifyFailure

. . . . . SUMMARY . . . . .
Total number of tests : 24
Total number of warnings : 74
Total number of errors : 0
Total number of fixes : 862
Total time : 15h:38m:57s

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During processing, ISINTEG inappropriately returns an error, which results in a process exit.

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Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.0. This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft Exchange 5.0 Server U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

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Retired KB Content Disclaimer
This article was written about products for which Microsoft no longer offers support. Therefore, this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated.

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Keywords: KB149974, kbusage, kbbug

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Article Info
Article ID : 149974
Revision : 6
Created on : 10/28/2006
Published on : 10/28/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 438