Using cross product math on two vectors of a polygon, you can obtain a vector that is perpendicular to the polygon. Two sides of a polygon describe two vectors in the plane of the polygon. With those two vectors, you can calculate a vector that is perpendicular to the polygon. The length of the normal vector calculated will not be unit length, and the normal vector needs to be unit length. Therefore, you need to call
(GL_NORMALIZE) when you initialize your OpenGL application, so that normal vectors specified with
are scaled to unit length after transformation.
You can use the following function to calculate a normal vector for a polygon. You need to give it three points of the polygon and the points should be given in clock-wise order when you are facing the front of the polygon:
// Function: CalculateVectorNormal
// Purpose: Given three points of a 3D plane, this function calculates
// the normal vector of that plane.
// Parameters:
// fVert1[] == array for 1st point (3 elements are x, y, and z).
// fVert2[] == array for 2nd point (3 elements are x, y, and z).
// fVert3[] == array for 3rd point (3 elements are x, y, and z).
// Returns:
// fNormalX == X vector for the normal vector
// fNormalY == Y vector for the normal vector
// fNormalZ == Z vector for the normal vector
// Comments:
// History: Date Author Reason
// 3/22/95 GGB Created
GLvoid CalculateVectorNormal(GLfloat fVert1[], GLfloat fVert2[],
GLfloat fVert3[], GLfloat *fNormalX,
GLfloat *fNormalY, GLfloat *fNormalZ)
GLfloat Qx, Qy, Qz, Px, Py, Pz;
Qx = fVert2[0]-fVert1[0];
Qy = fVert2[1]-fVert1[1];
Qz = fVert2[2]-fVert1[2];
Px = fVert3[0]-fVert1[0];
Py = fVert3[1]-fVert1[1];
Pz = fVert3[2]-fVert1[2];
*fNormalX = Py*Qz - Pz*Qy;
*fNormalY = Pz*Qx - Px*Qz;
*fNormalZ = Px*Qy - Py*Qx;
// Calculate the vector normal coming out of the 3D polygon.
CalculateVectorNormal(fVert1, fVert2, fVert3, &fNormalX,
&fNormalY, &fNormalZ);
// Set the normal vector for the polygon
glNormal3f(fNormalX, fNormalY, fNormalZ);