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XL: Commands and Features Unavailable in Shared Workbook

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In Microsoft Excel, when you use the shared lists feature, by clicking the Allow Multi-User Editing check box on the Editing tab of the Shared Lists dialog box, some of the commands and features that you normally use in your workbook are not available.

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This behavior occurs because when you share a workbook file, you cannot use some of the Microsoft Excel features that you normally use. This behavior is by design of Microsoft Excel because of the way that a shared file is saved. For example, you cannot change cell formatting in a shared workbook.

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More information

The following information describes the features and commands that are not available while you are editing a shared workbook.

Menu Commands

The following table contains the menu commands that are unavailable (grayed) in a shared workbook:
   Menu       Command
   File       Properties

   Edit       Delete Sheet
   Insert     Worksheet
              Chart (submenu items grayed)
              Macro (submenu items grayed)
              Name (submenu items grayed)
              Hyperlink (available in Excel 97 and later)
   Format     Cells
   Tools      Scenarios
              Protection (submenu items grayed)
   Data       Subtotals
              Group And Outline (submenu items grayed)


You cannot use any of the buttons on the following toolbars in a shared workbook:
On the Standard toolbar, the following buttons are disabled:
   Function Wizard
   Format Painter


When you enter a formula on a worksheet in a shared workbook, you receive the following error message:
New or copied formulas won't be saved while the file is being shared.

Show this message in the future?


You can't select any objects on a worksheet in a shared workbook. This includes OLE objects, drawing objects, and dialog controls.

Visual Basic Modules

When you share a workbook that contains a Visual Basic module, you receive the following error message:
Cannot edit VBA modules in shared mode
You can select a Visual Basic module in your shared workbook. However, if you attempt to edit a procedure in the module, you receive the following error message:
Can't edit module
Note however that you can run a macro on a module sheet in a shared workbook.

Record New Macro

If you record a new macro in a shared workbook, the macro is recorded in a new workbook. In the Record New Macro dialog box, the New Workbook option under Store In is selected by default. The This Workbook option under Store In is unavailable in a shared workbook.

Chart Sheet or Dialog Sheet

Although you can select a chart sheet or dialog sheet in a shared workbook, you cannot select any of the items on the chart or custom dialog box.

Macro Sheet

You can select a macro sheet in a shared workbook. However, because commands on a macro sheet generally begin with an equal sign (=) (as when you enter a formula), you receive the error message listed above in the "Formulas" section. Note, however, that you can run a macro from a macro sheet in a shared workbook.

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Keywords: KB130560, kbprb

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Article Info
Article ID : 130560
Revision : 4
Created on : 8/15/2005
Published on : 8/15/2005
Exists online : False
Views : 492