To resolve these problems, follow these steps.
Step 1: Update the Web server that is hosting the Business Desk application
To do this, search for the string "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.2.6" in all the
files in the following two folders on the Web server that is hosting the
Business Desk application:
- The %COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Widgets folder.
- The folder that contains the Business Desk site code files.
For example, this folder may be the
Then, replace the string "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.2.6" with the string
"MSXML2.XMLHTTP". For example, you may have to update the following files for a
typical installation of Commerce Server 2002 Business Desk applications:
- The following files are located in the
%COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Widgets folder:
- ExprbldrHTC\
- ListHTC\
- ListHTC\
- ListHTC\
- The following files are located in the
Drive:\Inetpub\Wwwroot\Retailbizdesk folder:
- Catalogs\Designer\Common.asp
- Catalogs\Editor\Common.asp
- Catalogs\Editor\List_Catalogs.asp
- Include\Dlg_permissions.asp
- Include\HTTPXMLUtil.htm
- Profiles\XmlHttpUtil.vbs
- Security\Include\Security_util.asp
- Security\Security.asp
Commerce Server 2000 does not use all of these files.
can use the
findstr command to locate files that contain the string
"MSXML2.XMLHTTP.2.6". For example, type the following command at a command
prompt, and then press ENTER:
findstr /spin MSXML2.XMLHTTP.2.6 *
For more information about the
findstr command, type
findstr /? at the command
prompt, and then press ENTER.
Open each of these files in a text
editor such as Notepad. Then, use a Find And Replace operation to replace the
string "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.2.6" with the string "MSXML2.XMLHTTP".
Step 2: Restart IIS on the Web server that is hosting the Business Desk application
Use Iisreset.exe to restart Microsoft Internet Information
Services (IIS) on the Web server that is hosting the Business Desk application.
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Internet Information Services 5.0
command-line syntax for Iisreset.exe
Step 3: Update MSXML to version 3.0 or to a later version on the client computers if it is required
For more information about how to obtain MSXML, visit the
following Microsoft Web sites:
For more information about how to determine the version of MSXML that is installed on a
computer, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Determine the version of MSXML
parser installed on a computer
List of
Microsoft XML parser (MSXML) versions