Consider the following scenario:
- You're on a Microsoft Lync Server 2013 RTM (5.0.8308.0) server that's running a non-English version.
- You install the May 2015 Cumulative Update 5.0.8308.887 on the server.
- You run the Bootstrapper.exe executable file.
Error: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
▼ Details
└ Type: KeyNotFoundException
└ ▼ Stack Trace
└ at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Tools.Bootstrapper.BootstrapperTask.RemoveUnusedFeatures(Boolean scorch)
at Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Internal.Utilities.LogWriter.InvokeAndLog[T](Action`1 action, T arg)
└ Type: KeyNotFoundException
└ ▼ Stack Trace
└ at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Tools.Bootstrapper.BootstrapperTask.RemoveUnusedFeatures(Boolean scorch)
at Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Internal.Utilities.LogWriter.InvokeAndLog[T](Action`1 action, T arg)