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Update Rollup 8 for System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager

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This article describes the issues that are fixed in Update Rollup 8 (UR8) for Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager. It also contains the installation instructions for Update Rollup 8 for System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager.

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New HTML Self Service Portal

This update rollup contains the new Self Service Portal for Service Manager 2012 R2. Highlights of the new Self Service Portal include the following:
  • Updated modern UI with easier navigation
  • Multi-browser support
  • Announcements back in portal
  • Rich browser for help articles
  • Server caching to reduce database calls and to improve portal performance
  • Rich customization

To learn more about the new Self Service Portal, see the What's New in System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager topic in Microsoft TechNet.

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How to obtain and install Update Rollup 8 for System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager

Download information

Update packages for Service Manager are available from the Microsoft Download Center. 

Microsoft Download Center
Go to the following website to manually download the update packages from the Microsoft Download Center:

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Installation instructions

To install this update, see the Deploy the new self-service portal topic on the Microsoft TechNet website. 

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Files that are updated in this rollup
File NameSize (Bytes)Version Number
Global.asax 115
Global.asax.cs 1305
Packages.config 1821
Web.config 7340
Web_old.config 7361
SelfServicePortalResources.cs.resx 18425
SelfServicePortalResources.da.resx 18081 18395
SelfServicePortalResources.el.resx 20480
SelfServicePortalResources.en.resx 16974 18374 18228 18331 18449 18394
SelfServicePortalResources.ja.resx 18612
SelfServicePortalResources.ko.resx 18241 18186 18044 18469 18396 18218
SelfServicePortalResources.resx 17848 19927 18082 18303
SelfServicePortalResources.zh-CHS.resx 17756
SelfServicePortalResources.zh-CHT.resx 17866
SelfServicePortalResources.zh-HK.resx 17866
DevExpress.Data.v12.1.dll 2953816
DevExpress.Office.v12.1.Core.dll 157784
DevExpress.Printing.v12.1.Core.dll 2129496
DevExpress.RichEdit.v12.1.Core.dll 5156440
DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v12.1.dll 1633368
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core.dll 4078280 7.5.3079.0
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.NewSMPortal.SDKTransformer.dll 63176 7.5.3079.507
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.NewSMPortal.SMPortalHelper.dll 106184 7.5.3079.507
Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll 45416 1.0.20105.407
SelfServicePortalWebApp.dll 60616 7.5.3079.507
System.Web.Mvc.dll 505504 4.0.40804.0
System.Web.Optimization.dll 54912
System.Web.Razor.dll 266944 2.0.20715.0
System.Web.Routing.dll 22136 4.0.30319.18402
System.Web.WebPages.Deployment.dll 41152 2.0.20710.0
System.Web.WebPages.dll 204480 2.0.20710.0
System.Web.WebPages.Razor.dll 39616 2.0.20710.0
Site.css 1024
bootstrap.css 127397
dataTables.fixedHeader.css 97
demo.css 2296
jquery-ui.css 35348
jquery.dataTables.min.css 16961
magnific-popup.css 9966
main.css 42771
normalize.css 1825
starRating.css 1242
style.css 59811
swipebox.css 4103
FULLMDL2.1.39.eot 339074
FULLMDL2.1.39.woff 165660
company_logo.png 253
loading.gif 17617
MSFT_logo.png 7213
star-off.svg 804
star-on.png 27919
dataTables.fixedHeader.min.js 24328
download.js 15930
easing.js 18924
header.js 16248
index.js 17997
jquery-ui.js 482334
jquery-ui.min.js 252165
jquery.dataTables.min.js 114506
jquery.js 268768
jquery.min.js 108117
jquery.mixitup.min.js 25771
jquery.swipebox.min.js 18943
makeform.js 12316
modernizr.custom.js 20741
move-top.js 13068
nivo-lightbox.min.js 18513
seeall.js 11922
sidenavigator.js 13638
telemetry.js 12706
toss-notifs.js 12836
jquery-1.8.2-vsdoc.js 281825
jquery-1.8.2.js 279414
jquery-1.8.2.min.js 106225
jquery-ui-1.8.24.js 378375
jquery-ui-1.8.24.min.js 213444
jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js 15302
jquery.validate-vsdoc.js 56594
jquery.validate.js 51658
jquery.validate.min.js 34020
jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js 28794
jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js 17275
knockout-2.2.0.debug.js 190376
knockout-2.2.0.js 53400
modernizr-2.6.2.js 61882
query.unobtrusive-ajax.js 18166
_references.js 12024
Web.Config 2925
_ViewStart.cshtml 55
Announcements.cshtml 2412
DetailsPopUp.cshtml 2563
GenericSearch.cshtml 10533
Index.cshtml 993
MakeForm.cshtml 17414
Offerings.cshtml 4706
Query.cshtml 2565
ServiceRequestDetails.cshtml 10439
Article.cshtml 14042
Index.cshtml 9666
ActivityDetails.cshtml 16850
Index.cshtml 14216
Index.cshtml 14811
RequestDetails.cshtml 8115
Error.cshtml 304
Sidebar.cshtml 4257
_Layout.cshtml 11299

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Keywords: kbqfe, kbsurveynew, kbnotautohotfix, kbfix, kbexpertiseinter, atdownload, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 3096383
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 11/13/2015
Exists online : False
Views : 349