Consider the following scenario:
- You are using a BizTalk Server WCF adapter in a solicit-response send port in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Cumulative Update 6 (CU6).
- You configure the Body Path expression as Xpath in the Inbound BizTalk message body section on Messages tab for the WCF send port.
- Deserialization produces random and irregular errors that seem to be caused by the stream position jumping to the wrong location.
In this situation, you receive an error message that resembles the following:System.Xml.XmlException: Start element 'To s:mustUndersta' does not match end element 'sendMessageResult'. Line 1, position 951. - The WCF adapter returns the wrong mismatched response back to the pipeline.
In this situation, there may be no error but the subscriber for the response will get the wrong message back.