Issues that Update Rollup 4 fixes are as follows.
You receive the following error message:
The following events may be logged in the SQL Server Operations Manager event log:
The warning contains incorrect information for Source Address, Source Port, and Share Name.
ETL tracing displays the following message:
By default, performance reports have the object information (Servername, Disk Label, and so on) collapsed . When the report is exported, this information is missing.
CPU use will be near 99 percent, and the console will be unresponsive.
When you create an override on a group or adding to a group, you may receive the following message:
You receive the following error message:
Note This is a rare event and expected only for extremely complex queries or queries that reference lots of tables or partitions.
When network discovery is run, duplicate entries for the same device may be added to the database.
Availability reports may be displayed as blank.
Intermittently, the Management Server Monitoringhost.exe process on a server that is managing UNIX and Linux will crash with a second-chance access violation 0xc0000005. When this occurs, the managed UNIX or Linux computers go into an "unmonitored" or "critical" state.
Whediscovery of a Linux-based computer fails with an error during SSH discovery. Or, the operating system name and version are determined incorrectly. This issue occurs can occur when multiple *-release files exist in /etc and one of the is named "os-release." The error message may resemble the following:
On a Solaris computer, the Operations Manager agent’s log (/var/opt/microsoft/scx/log/scx.log) contains errors or warnings together with the following text:
This issue applies to any monitored Solaris zones that are configured together with Dynamic Resource Pools and a "dedicated-cpu" configuration that involves a range of CPUs.
If entries in /etc/mtab on a monitored Linux computer begin with the string "cgroup," errors that resemble the following may be logged in the agent’s log (/var/opt/microsoft/scx/log/scx.log):
Logical Disk instances (file systems) are not discovered by Operations Manager for a monitored UNIX- or Linux-based computer.
Operations Manager (KB2880799)
Issue 1
Windows PowerShell scripts or modules cannot be executed in an AllSigned environment.Symptom
You receive the following error message:
The PowerShell script failed with below exception
System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: AuthorizationManager check failed.
System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: AuthorizationManager check failed.
Issue 2
Location points are not displayed in the GSM Map Dashboard because of a Microsoft SQL Server time-out.Symptom
The following events may be logged in the SQL Server Operations Manager event log:
Issue 3
An incorrect warning is generated when security event 5140 is monitored.Symptom
The warning contains incorrect information for Source Address, Source Port, and Share Name.
Issue 4
An empty target group is created when endpoints are enumerated.Symptom
ETL tracing displays the following message:
Issue 5
Generic performance reports contain no object data after export.Symptom
By default, performance reports have the object information (Servername, Disk Label, and so on) collapsed . When the report is exported, this information is missing.
Issue 6
When you open a network node dashboard on a Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x86-based computer, the console hangs.Symptom:
CPU use will be near 99 percent, and the console will be unresponsive.
Issue 7
A user role that is created by using Windows PowerShell on a non-US locale system does not show the display name and description on the console.Issue 8
Customer cannot add overrides or subgroups to groups by using cmdlets; query processor ran out of internal resourcesSymptom
When you create an override on a group or adding to a group, you may receive the following message:
Issue 9
When you select objects in the dashboard, you receive a "The query processor ran out of internal resources" error.Symptom
You receive the following error message:
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.DataAccess.DataAccessDataNotFoundException: Exception reading objects ---> Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.UnknownDatabaseException: The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan.
Note This is a rare event and expected only for extremely complex queries or queries that reference lots of tables or partitions.
Issue 10
Successive discovery uses a different device key. This behavior causes duplicate devices to be discovered.Symptom
When network discovery is run, duplicate entries for the same device may be added to the database.
Issue 11
vStateDailyFull returns empty when the time zone on the Data Warehouse server is UTC+0X:30.Symptom
Availability reports may be displayed as blank.
Issue 12
Health State of Advisor monitored agent is always "Warning" in Advisor Health State.Issue 13
APM monitor is not functional when you upgrade to a later version of Operations ManagerIssue 14
In the Internet Information Services 8.0 and Internet Information Services 7.0 modules, a website cannot be discovered or monitored if HTTP binding is missing from the configuration.Issue 15
SQL broker conversations can lead to very large OperationsManager DB size and TempDB sizeXplat Update
Operations Manager - UNIX and Linux Monitoring
Issue 1
In rare cases, Management Server’s Monitoringhost.exe process may stop with an access violation when it is monitoring log files on UNIX and Linux computers.Symptom
Intermittently, the Management Server Monitoringhost.exe process on a server that is managing UNIX and Linux will crash with a second-chance access violation 0xc0000005. When this occurs, the managed UNIX or Linux computers go into an "unmonitored" or "critical" state.
Issue 2
Linux computers that have multiple "release" files in /etc, may not be identified correctly during discovery. This includes an OS-release file.Symptom
Whediscovery of a Linux-based computer fails with an error during SSH discovery. Or, the operating system name and version are determined incorrectly. This issue occurs can occur when multiple *-release files exist in /etc and one of the is named "os-release." The error message may resemble the following:
Failed during SSH discovery. Exit code: 2
Standard Output:
Standard Error: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
Standard Output:
Standard Error: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
Operations Manager - UNIX and Linux Monitoring (Management Pack Update)
Issue 1
A Solaris computer that has lots of monitored resources (for example, file systems, physical disks, and network adapters) may run out of file descriptors and not monitor the resources. This occurs because the default user limit on Solaris is too low to allocate sufficient file descriptors. The updated agent now overrides the default user limit with a user limit for the agent process of 1024.Symptom
On a Solaris computer, the Operations Manager agent’s log (/var/opt/microsoft/scx/log/scx.log) contains errors or warnings together with the following text:
errno = 24 (Too many open files)
Issue 2
A monitored Solaris zone that is configured for dynamic CPU allocation together with Dynamic Resource Pools may log errors in the agent logs and return incorrect values for processor performance counters.Symptom
This issue applies to any monitored Solaris zones that are configured together with Dynamic Resource Pools and a "dedicated-cpu" configuration that involves a range of CPUs.
Issue 3
If Linux Container (cgroup) entries are in /etc/mtab, errors are logged when physical disk discovery is enabled, and some physical disks may not be discovered.Symptom
If entries in /etc/mtab on a monitored Linux computer begin with the string "cgroup," errors that resemble the following may be logged in the agent’s log (/var/opt/microsoft/scx/log/scx.log):
Warning [scx.core.common.pal.system.disk.diskdepend:418:29352:139684846989056] Did not find key 'cgroup' in proc_disk_stats map, device name was 'cgroup'.
Issue 4
Physical disk configurations that cannot be monitored or failures in physical disk monitoring for UNIX and Linux computers cause failures in file system monitoring.Symptom
Logical Disk instances (file systems) are not discovered by Operations Manager for a monitored UNIX- or Linux-based computer.
New support in this update
- Debian GNU/Linux 7
- JEE App servers:
- IBM WebSphere 8.0
- IBM Websphere 8.5
- Oracle Weblogic 12c