To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
IF IntrastatJnlBatch.Type = IntrastatJnlBatch.Type::Purchases THEN
SETFILTER("Entry Type",'%1|%2', "Entry Type"::Purchase, "Entry Type"::Transfer)
SETRANGE("Entry Type","Entry Type"::Sale);
IF "Country/Region".Code = CompanyInfo."Country/Region Code" THEN
SETFILTER("Country/Region Code",'%1|%2',"Country/Region".Code,'')
IF IntrastatJnlBatch.Type = IntrastatJnlBatch.Type::Purchases THEN
SETFILTER("Entry Type",'%1|%2', "Entry Type"::Purchase, "Entry Type"::Transfer)
SETRANGE("Entry Type","Entry Type"::Sale);
// Add the following lines.
IF NOT IntrastatJnlBatch."Corrective Entry" THEN
"Item Ledger Entry".SETFILTER("Document Type",'<>%1&<>%2&<>%3&<>%4&<>%5',
"Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Sales Return Receipt","Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Sales Credit Memo",
"Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Purchase Return Shipment","Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Purchase Credit Memo",
"Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Service Credit Memo")
"Item Ledger Entry".SETFILTER("Document Type",'<>%1&<>%2&<>%3&<>%4&<>%5&<>%6&<>%7&<>%8',
"Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Sales Shipment","Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Sales Invoice",
"Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Purchase Receipt","Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Purchase Invoice",
"Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Transfer Shipment","Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Transfer Receipt",
"Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Service Shipment","Item Ledger Entry"."Document Type"::"Service Invoice");
// End of the added line.
IF "Country/Region".Code = CompanyInfo."Country/Region Code" THEN
SETFILTER("Country/Region Code",'%1|%2',"Country/Region".Code,'')
You must have the Italian version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed to apply this hotfix.